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Orchard families,


We understand that some times we experience difficult times. So we would like to support you in any way we can which may mean providing and offering resources.



Below find important information on 

  • Food

  • Supporting learning at home

  • Financial aid, housing

  • Social-emotional safety

  • Where to get more information on COVID19 and what is happening in our larger community

We know that the school administration, teachers and support staff are working hard to continue to support our children - in ways we know and ways we've never seen before. 

We - school staff and PTA - are here for you. Reach out!

-Orchard PTA 




School lunches

School meals are now provided to all student free of charge. 

Please still fill out the meal application that you can find on the school website for additional statistical and reporting purposes. Reporting your family information will continue to help our school district with receiving the services we need. 


Need more groceries? 

Please contact the district office (, 408.944.0397) or Second Harvest Food Bank (Call 1-800-984-3663, Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.; Staff speaks English, Spanish, Vietnamese, Cantonese, Mandarin and Tagalog. Three-way interpretation available for other languages. Afterhours – Call 211. It’s free, confidential and available 24/7 in multiple languages. Operated by United Way Bay Area.




Dealing with economic hardship


Local, state and the federal government as well as many non-profit organizations are trying to help families in need. As many of these programs are constantly evolving, we can't provide too much update-to-date information here, but rather point you various websites that stay up-to-date on the available support programs:





Social-emotional help


You can get help from the Santa Clara County Behavioral Health Services Department.

Mobile Crisis Team:

And for more information see for example the Mental Health Association of America:



If you are concerned about having to self-isolate with an abusive partner, there is help. Please contact the National Domestic Violence Hotline. Contact information is below: CALL: 1 (800) 799-7233 TTY: 1 (800) 787-3224 CHAT:



Suicide and Crisis Hotline 24/7: (855) 278-4204



More learning at home resources




Where to find more general information




The mission of the Orchard School PTA is to positively impact the lives of all children and families by representing our members, and empowering and supporting them with skills in advocacy, leadership and communications


8th Grade graduation

June 7

Last student day and 8th grade graduation.

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